Sukasa is an international system to enable and enhance sharing valuable knowledge of upcoming residential real estate activity. It’s a member network of residential real estate sales professionals and investors who subscribe to a common set of rules and ethics that enable them to discover and trust one another without having met in person.
Sukasa’s online platform includes searchable databases of licensed agents and investors. Licensed members share commissions for introducing house buyers or sellers. Unlicensed individuals can also be members and can receive marketing fees for client introductions that are not based on a closed sale. Both licensed and unlicensed members get residual rewards for enrolling new members into the network.
Marketing research proves that peer-to-peer word-of- mouth recommendation is 5x more effective than impersonal media advertising. Our own loyal users are the best promoters.
Instead of paying media companies for advertising, Sukasa pays annual cash rewards to our own members for growing our network, in perpetuity. Continuing rewards motivate members to stay, and to talk up Sukasa.
It’s the most potent kind of promotion, and it generates the most loyalty. Raving fans!
Agents join to get discovered by people far away, and to be personally introduced. Not merely names and phone numbers, but personal introductions.
Members who introduce potential clients to faraway Sukasa agents get paid for that. A resulting sale can be worth thousands of dollars in fees or shared commissions.
Shared commissions between agents are settled through the lawyer or title company processing closing. For introductions from unlicensed Sukasa Scouts, the agent pays the Scout a negotiated introduction fee that for regulatory reasons may not be conditioned on a sale actually closing. Sukasa only provides the platform where agents meet.
Agents and Investors can register in 4 contiguous zip codes or Canada postal codes in either (a.) the agent database or (b.) the investor/lender database. (Scouts don’t appear in either database.)
You get cash rewards for growing the network, repeating annually. Withdraw the cash through your private Sukasa Virtual Office. So easy!
Bring 5 members to Sukasa, then every year you’ll get paid rewards on up to five entire generations of members who follow you, possibly thousands of them. Once you start the snowball rolling you don’t have to do anything else. No kidding.
If you want to be linked to a friend already in Sukasa, but don't have his username, you can search in the box below.
If you found us on your own without a friend’s referral, or if Sukasa invited you directly, click here
Americans and Canadians move frequently. Our founders observed a need for a trustworthy international introductions system to help clients meet great agents early in the process. Sukasa Network is made practical by the power of the internet.
Co-Founder and CEO
Ron is responsible for administration and strategic planning. He has been a licensed banker, securities principal, real estate broker, and mortgage broker.
He is also an accomplished network marketer, having built teams into every US state and 7 countries, and having served as a publicity and regulations consultant to network marketing companies. He has launched companies in publishing, cartography, biotechnology, mortgage finance, auto finance, franchise marketing, and corporate finance & securities. He has a BA in Economics from Cornell University and MBA from Harvard Business School.
Co-Founder and CEO
Reta is the financial controller. Besides decades of experience in managerial accounting for corporations, Reta has also been a small business owner-operator (cell phone sales, tanning salons, automotive electronics, magazine publishing). In the late 1990s she was a recognized network marketing leader who built two large multi-state network marketing downlines. She was a licensed mortgage broker prior to 2003, and an Arizona real estate agent since then. She earned her B.S. in Finance at the University of Arizona.
REFUND. You may cancel your membership within 10 days of enrolling and receive a full refund. After 10 days we review refund requests case by case, deducting any rewards that we already paid to the member who is cancelling.
Update May 24, 2024
Explanation of terms.
“You,” “your,” and “yours” refer to the member. “Sukasa” means Sukasa Network LLC.
“Member” is a person who enrolls in Sukasa, whether that member is licensed to sell real estate or not. Members can be agents/brokers, investors/lenders, or Scouts (non-licensees). Any member can enroll new members of any type and receive rewards. Members who do not pay the annual renewal fee on time fall out of the network, thus becoming “lapsed members” who lose their team below. A lapsed member can re-enroll, but would not be in the same genealogical position as prior to lapsing.
“Scouts” are members who are neither agents/brokers in the Agent Database nor investors in the Investor Database. Scouts can join and operate from anywhere in the world. Scouts source potential clients for real estate listings or buyers in the USA and Canada, and introduce them to licensed members in the USA or Canada for a flat fee paid in advance of an actual real estate sale (i.e. not a commission based on a completed sale). Scouts can enroll other members, licensed or not, and receive the same rewards as licensed members.
“Database” means (a.) Sukasa’s searchable database of Agents or (b.) Sukasa’s searchable database of Investors. A member can be on both databases by having a separate membership for each database. Scouts do not appear on a searchable database.
“Enroll” and “enroller” are words Sukasa uses for convenience. When you “enroll a member” it means a that person joins Sukasa directly through a link you send. You are not personally involved in processing the enrollment. When the person enrolls using your invitation link he/she falls into your first-generation (i.e. in your Gen-1). There is no limit on how many members you can enroll.
“Leg” means a member who is in your first generation, plus all members who enroll under that first-generation member. There is no limit to how many legs you can have or how many members can be in each leg.
“Free member” is a member that Sukasa or another member places in your Gen-1. A free member starts a separate leg under you. Free members and their legs do not count to qualify you for bonuses or reward depth, but they and their members following can generate rewards for you in perpetuity. You can immediately get override rewards on their teams if you meet the generation depth requirements. You also get annual residual rewards when they renew each year (if you meet the generation depth requirements). Free members do not count to qualify you for Fast Start, FiZ, or Speed Enroller bonuses (see below), or to qualify you for generation depth. For example, a free member cannot count as a fifth leg to qualify you for five generations of rewards.
“Virtual Office” (VO) is your private section on Sukasa’s website from where you can manage your account with Sukasa, can search for potential collaborators on the Agent and Investor databases, can view your team’s genealogy, can see your rewards, and can transfer your rewards to your personal bank account via ACH. You use your Virtual Office to send invitation links to prospective new members, and the system keeps track of invitations and enrollments. VO is included with every membership at no extra charge.
“Generation” means the degree of separation between related members. Members you enroll personally and free members given to you are in your Generation-1 (“Gen-1”). Members that your Gen-1 members enroll are in your Gen-2, and so on. Lapsed members fall out of the network, and generations under them rise a generation closer to you.
“To place” (verb) means to transfer a new member’s position from your Gen-1 to a different member under you. Enrollers have 10 days from the new member’s enrollment date to place a new member they enroll under a different member.
“Team” means members who enroll with you or with members under any of them.
“Rewards” are cash in U.S. dollars that Sukasa puts in your rewards account. Rewards include direct enroller rewards, override rewards, and bonuses. You can transfer your rewards to your personal bank account via ACH, subject to US banking laws. The rewards (not the bonuses) recur every year that a member renews.
(a.) “Direct rewards.” As a member you earn 6% of the subscription fee of any member you personally enroll, plus a $30 FiZ (first-in-zip) bonus if your new member is the first real estate licensee in his/her zip/postal code. The rewards recur every year that a member renews.
(b.) “Override rewards.” You can get 6% override rewards on enrollments generated by members enrolled after your Gen-1, potentially up to five generations altogether. The rewards recur every year that a member renews if you are qualified for rewards on his/her generation. Lapsed members do not count to qualify you, so to maintain your qualifications for each generation of reward depth you must have an adequate number of current members you have personally enrolled.
These are the rewards generation depth requirements.
“Fast Start” bonus. If in your first 30 days you personally enroll five Gen-1 members anywhere, whether Agents, Investors, or Scouts, you get a $125 Fast Start bonus reward for each 5. Free members do not count for Fast Start bonus.
“First-in-Zip” bonus (FiZ). If you personally enroll the first licensed agent (or broker) in his/her zip code or Canada postal code you get a $30 bonus reward. The new agent’s official business office address must be in the zip or postal code being FiZ bonus qualified. A broker with offices in several zip or postal codes can enroll himself in separate memberships for each different zip or postal code where he has a physical office.
“Speed Enroller” bonus. If you personally enroll five FiZ members in your first 30 days, you get a $100 bonus reward ($100 total per 5). The same 5 FiZ members can also count for Fast Start bonus, For example, if you personally enroll five FiZ qualified agents that you count for Speed Enroller, you can also count those same members for Fast Start. Free members do not count for this bonus.
“Compression” benefit on renewal overrides. If a member fails to renew (lapses), the software compresses out his/her position, moving his/her entire team one generation closer to you. If one of your Gen-1 members lapses you cannot count his team as a qualifying leg for your generation bonuses but must instead personally enroll a new member to make up for the lapsed member, i.e. start a new leg. If a lapsed member re-enroll under you, he/she is considered a new leg starting without a team .
May 24, 2024
There is no Sukasa member registered with this name and cell phone. If you would like to join Sukasa you can still proceed without that connection.